
Sunday, November 15, 2015

How to Write an Effective Email in Bahasa Indonesia

When writing an email using Bahasa Indonesia, there are certain phrases and words utilized for different occasions. Here are some tips to guide you write a good email in Bahasa Indonesia.

bahasaTerimaKasih_givIllustration. (Photo source: GIV)

Jakarta, – Using email as a platform of communication is commonly used, including in Indonesia amidst the rapid development within the country. However, when writing an email using Bahasa Indonesia, there are certain phrases and words utilized for different occasions.

To avoid some mistakes, here are some guides to help you write a good email in Bahasa Indonesia.


People usually use 'Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.' for greeting if the person you are sending the email to is a Muslim. If not or just to be safe, you can replace the phrase with 'Yang Terhormat' or 'Dengan Hormat' followed by 'Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/Saudari', and then the person's name as well as his or her place. If you do not know where they are just write 'Di Tempat'. For the informal use, you can say 'Halo' alongside the person's name.


An introduction is used when you are sending the email to a person or company for the first time, trying to offer or asking something. Use the sentence 'Perkenalkan nama saya' and then state your purpose or wish for sending the email.


Being polite in an email is a must, especially with a formal one. Do not forget to put 'Terima kasih atas perhatiannya' at the end of the email as a sign of gratefulness, added by 'Hormat Saya/Kami' untuk salam penutup and then your name.

Do not be cheap with 'Terima kasih' and 'Mohon'. The word 'Mohon' is usually used when you are late to respond the email, such as 'Mohon maaf saya terlambat membalas email anda'. Or when you are expressing inconvenience 'Mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanannya'.

Grammar and Spelling Check

Be careful with the phrase 'dibawah', which should have been 'di bawah', with a space in between the two words. And do not forget to check for the use of capital letters such as stating a name, company, or a place.

Body of Email

If you are responding to an email, use 'Mengenai email saudara' at the top of the sentence instead of 'Email anda sudah kami terima'. For asking, after introduction write 'Saya ingin bertanya mengenai iklan/tawaran/lowongan kerja'.

Informing Attachment

If you are putting an attachment, state it in your body of email. For example 'Di bawah ini saya lampirkan'. Do not forget to mention the attachment otherwise the person or company reading your email will not be aware of it.

Closing Sentence

If you write a greeting in your email, using closing sentence is very important. After stating 'Terima kasih atas perhatian Bapak/Ibu', you can add "Saya tunggu balasan/kabar dari Bapak/Ibu" followed by 'Salam' or 'Dengan Hormat' and then your name.

Source: How to Write an Effective Email in Bahasa Indonesia

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